Phot creidts: Keda Sharber


Mykiah Goree, a native of Houston, Texas is a rising senior at The Juilliard School pursuing his BFA in Dance. He received his early dance training from Houston Ballet Academy and Kinder HSPVA. During his time at HSPVA, Mykiah had the opportunity to work with artists such as Roderick George, Gregory Dolbashian, Sidra Bell, Justin Prescott, Jennifer Achibald, and Yoshito Sakuraba. While at Juilliard, he has been selected to choreograph for Juilliard’s Choreographers and Composers 2022, and had work chosen for Juilliard’s Choreographic Honors. He also has performed works by Tiler Peck, Rena Butler, Jamar Roberts, Ohad Nahrin, Trisha Brown, and Camille A. Brown at Juilliard. Mykiah is very excited to be working with MOVE NYC and cannot wait to experience the passion for dance that is MOVE NYC.